Currently reading: Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett 📚

“A well-designed life is a marvelous portfolio of experiences, of adventures, of failures that taught you important lessons, of hardships that made you stronger and helped you know yourself better, and of achievements and satisfactions. It’s worth emphasizing that failures and hardships are a part of every life, even the well-designed ones.”

I'm still having trouble deciding how I want to use this blog. I really like the idea of making short posts - that makes writing less intimidating. The fear caused by the blank page can be paralyzing. At the same time, I'm not sure that I just want to produce pithy tweets to be fed into syndication, either. Maybe I will want to write a lot, maybe a little. And should I put titles on everything, or let the posts be defined by their temporality?

I think that I mostly want to put fleeting thoughts here. Over time, there will be a continuum of little ideas and expressions. I'll reserve longer and more polished articles for other venues. The emphasis should be on building a regular writing habit. Small posts make that easier.

Currently reading: Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career by Scott Young 📚

On Learning

One thing that I want to write about in this blog is the idea of ‘Learning Out Loud’. I am constantly on the lookout for more tutorials and my curiosity leads me all over the web. It might be good to write a little about what I’m currently working on, while I’m at it.

A Beginning

This is the place to put the words. A place to speak my mind. What will it be like? Will it be personal? Revealing? I’m not sure if I have big things to say. I’m not sure if I want to say all the things out loud. But I will let this place be for a little while a place to put some thoughts. And maybe it will grow.